We wanted to arrange the work in a different order to the two previous shows. As always the space dictated what we could and could not do, but we kept it as organic as possible. Hanging the work was relatively painless, numbering the show was an absolute nad ache.
an international group exhibition showcasing the outpourings of a group of like minded image-makers. This exhibition can be seen as an expression of these artists compulsion to create. Fundamentally, the artists in the show all share an essential motivation to explore the possibilities of enhancing everyday life by making magic from the mundane. The works in the show utilize modest and direct means including works in pencil, paint and ink along with photographic works which record and celebrate everyday happenstances.
All the artworks express what could be termed a ‘hope-tinged anxiety’. As
such, in various ways, the works offer a subconscious social commentary on
the uncertainty of the times we are all living in. Specifically, what comes
to the fore are common concerns and a positive interest with dipping into
the past and championing seemingly long-forgotten notions such as thriftyness and a delight in the ordinary everyday detritus of life in order to counteract the context of a world today brimming with unwanted junk and jumble that has been manufactured for the transitory ‘now’.
Really enjoyed the exhibition. Grate to see some original art work hanging on the wall.
stirring stuff good job.
Much obliged SKYLARK! x
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