Wednesday 3 September 2008


is an illustrator, musician, artist and teacher of multimedia graphic design in Paris. His project originally involved Japanese visual artists and musicians and toured through Japan as an art bus with interactive and collaborative happenings taking place in different places. Shoboshobo is also creating clothes mostly monster full color jumpers and t-shirts. His graphic works have featured in several magazines and books such as Kramers Ergot, Pictoplasma, Rojo, Nieves, Dazed & confused, Pig, Tokyon, Code, and Modart. He collaborates with several artists such as Hendrik Hegray, Jonas Delaborde, Andy Bolus, Yu Matsuoka, Stephane Prigent, Andrea Crews, Sumi ink Club. And showed his works in several countries such as Japan, France, Canada, Sweden, Italy, USA, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, South America and now the UK.