We are delighted to announce that the second installment of TJB will officially be housed within the wonderful
ANALOGUE BOOKS in Edinburgh, Scotland. Russell and Julie, who both work tirelessly to promote a plethora of interesting, independent Artists have very kindly accommodated us, at very short notice. Offering to host the private view on a Saturday as opposed to their established Thursday slot "PAIR OF RIPPERS". We'll be making our way, way up North on the back of PEPLOW'S
steed, so If you reside in the Bonnie, please swing by and feast your eyeballs on wonderment a plenty.Opening night /
Saturday 28th March, 7pm-9pm
Analogue Books
102 West Bow
Monday-Saturday, 10am-5.30pm
+44 (0)131 220 0601
..............................................Duration /
28th March 2009 - 28th April 2009